IFE Conference

IFE Conference

18 Seasons

El IFE Conference, antes conocido como CIIE, es un espacio que te permitirá ser parte de las tendencias y prácticas que están revolucionando el mundo de la educación.

El Congreso Internacional de Innovación Educativa (#CIIETec) nació en el 2006 para apoyar a personas innovadoras a mejorar la educación. Al ver hacia el futuro sabemos que la educación debe evolucionar para satisfacer las necesidades de nuestras economías y sociedades, con esto en mente, CIIE evoluciona para llegar a nuevos horizontes.

IFE Conference, creado por el Institute for the Future of Education del Tecnológico de Monterrey, y que lleva como nombre las siglas de este, seguirá con la trayectoria del CIIE, proporcionado cada año un evento internacional de innovación educativa para seguir impulsando el futuro de la educación.

IFE Conference
  • [Trad.] AI and EdTech at Tec

    Episode 1

    Explora la integración de la inteligencia artificial en la educación superior en el Tec de Monterrey. Descubre cómo el Tec está aprovechando la inteligencia artificial para la enseñanza y el aprendizaje, desarrollando profesionales capacitados en AI y utilizando la AI para agilizar procesos de ge...

  • [Trad.] 10 Tecnologías de IA para el 2024

    Episode 2

    Join us and discover cutting-edge and emerging AI technologies for this 2024.

  • [Trad.] Retos y oportunidades de la Educación Superior en México

    Episode 3

    Join us and explore the challenges and opportunities facing higher education in Mexico in the current context. This panel will discuss the strategies and innovative solutions being implemented to overcome these challenges, as well as emerging opportunities in digitization, accreditation, and glob...

  • [Trad.] Conferencia Magistral con José Escamilla

    Episode 4

    Join us at the keynote address by José Escamilla, Associate Director of the Institute for the Future of Education at Tecnológico de Monterrey.

  • [Trad.] Facilitar el desarrollo económico a través de políticas educativas

    Episode 5

    This keynote panel will address the crucial intersection between education policy and economic development. The Secretary of Economic Development of Nuevo León will contribute their vision and experience on how educational policies can act as catalysts to foster economic growth. The discussion wi...

  • [Trad.] Credenciales Alternativas

    Episode 6

    As an educational trend in the world of education, alternative credentials have been present over the last decade. However, in recent years, credentials have gained significance as a pathway for acquiring or updating knowledge, competencies, or skills that contribute to professional development a...

  • [Trad.] Final TecPrize 2023

    Episode 7

    Join us to meet the winners of the TecPrize Final 2023.

    TecPrize is an open innovation initiative of the Institute for the Future of Education at Tecnológico de Monterrey, with the main objective of promoting solutions to the educational challenges that exist in Latin America and the Caribbean.

  • [Trad.] Inteligencia Artificial Generativa y Educación: Lo Nuevo y Lo Que Podemos Hacer

    Episode 8

    In this conference, Ryan Baker will discuss the new opportunities and challenges that Generative Artificial Intelligence presents in education, with examples of ongoing efforts at the Penn Center for Learning Analytics, leveraging Generative Artificial Intelligence for educational development and...

  • [Trad.] Futuro del Trabajo, Credenciales y los Consorcios Universitarios

    Episode 9

    El trabajo y la pirámide poblacional están cambiando aceleradamente en todo el mundo, lo que implica cambios en el proceso educativo de la sociedad. Tanto las personas que están dispuestas a trabajar, como las empresas, instituciones u organizaciones que desean contratar colaboradores, necesitan ...

  • [Trad.] Reporte IFE INSIGHTS: Educación digital en las universidades: una guía de implementación integral

    Episode 10

    During the session, the launch of the report will take place as part of the IFE Insights Reports series, focusing on digital education. We will also have the closing ceremony of the IFE Conference 2024 hosted by the Institute for the Future of Education at Tecnológico de Monterrey.

    The report co...

  • Educating for the AI Future: Preparing Students for a Transformed World

    Episode 11

    Artificial intelligence (AI) and related technologies are rapidly advancing and promise to bring profound changes to nearly all sectors of society, including education. As these systems take on more roles in classrooms and schools, we must consider how to prepare students not only to utilize thes...

  • Global Learning: Sharing the Vision for Online Internationalization

    Episode 12

    The challenges brought by the pandemic have given place to new options for internationalization through technology and educational innovation strategies. This talk aims to share how it is possible to boost global learning, as well as the vision to promote online internationalization opportunities...

  • The Future of Learning: Reflections and Looking Forward

    Episode 13

    Join us at the keynote address by Bharat Anand, Vice Provost for Advances in Learning at Harvard University.

  • Revolutionizing Higher Education: Unleashing the Power of Competency-Based Education

    Episode 14

    With reports highlighting that a majority of employers do not believe colleges and universities are sufficiently preparing students for the workforce, the need to rethink credential value and transparency is critical. During this session, we’ll hear from Scott Pulsipher, President of Western Gove...

  • Perspectives, Progress and Future Directions of Cyber-Physical Learning

    Episode 15

    Hear from senior academic leaders on their perspectives on the use of cyber-physical learning technologies and pedagogies in education, such as Artificial Intelligence, augmented/virtual reality, metaverse learning, gamification, learning analytics, and tele-presence robots. Panelists from the Cy...

  • Making Education Work for All

    Episode 16

    "Join Michelle Marks, Chancellor at University of Colorado Denver, who is going to share us the keynote “Making Education Work for All”.

    Higher education in the United States was originally designed to serve only the most privileged Americans, but tackling the grandest challenges facing our worl...

  • AI Ally or Adversary

    Episode 17

    Join us at the Keynote Panel "AI Ally or Adversary", in which Adam Freed, Managing Partner
    GSV Ventures will open a conversation to 3 EdTech entrepreneurs around AI, should it be considered an ally or an adversary?

  • Towards Novel Assessment with Learning Analytics for the Age of AI

    Episode 18

    In this talk, we will explore how learning analytics can harness the power of digital data to address the challenges in educational assessment. The discussion will specifically focus on opportunities for learning analytics to enable assessment that is continuous, authentic, and measures skills cr...

  • Keynote Conference-Maria Spies

    Episode 19

    Acompáñanos en la conferencia magistral de Maria Spies, Co-CEO HolonIQ

  • The Future of Universities

    Episode 20

    Join us for this keynote panel, where experts will talk about the future of universities.